Thursday 19 June 2014

Weight Watchers Pro Points Daily Allowance

How to calculate your daily Weight Watchers Pro Points Allowance?

I am not specifically following the Weight Watchers program, I am trying to lose weight on a budget.

If you have the money I do suggest you join their program as the extra support and knowledge they can offer you is incredible.

That being said I like to buy the WW magazine and to use their recipes effectively it helps if you understand your daily points allowance.

Here is how to work our your daily points allowance, the minimum points you should consume in a day is 29 if you are not losing 500 gms a week you can then reduce it to 26, however if you are consistently losing more than 1 kg a week you should increase it until you find the happy medium, that creates a safe weight loss for sustained loss.  As always you should consult your doctor before undertaking any weight loss program.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

My Blog Addiction...

Yes this is yet another of my blogs, as if I don't have enough on my plate, with a brood of kids and a business to run.  I love it.

  • I love the responsibility
  • I love the hussle
  • I love the bussle
I don't love that I have been over weight most of my life and this is the first time I actually want to lose weight and change my life for me.

I now know my partner loves me regardless of my size, I will still admit that yes I would love to be healthier for him also but its now for my own self-esteem and health not to please others. 
I want to be able to be there for my children,
I want to be that mum that is out the back being a fool with the kids, not sitting on the sidelines waiting until they are too old to want to play.

Life is too short, maybe some of this realisation came after my partners recent health issues at 31 or maybe just because time heals.

Either way, this is the blog I am devoting solely to health, well being and weight loss, my personal blog can be found here and links to Tin Tiara and Joyful Book Art.  You don't have to be following any set plan or another, I am choosing elements from quite a few sources, I have always believed that Weight Watchers is successful for lifestyle change.  However my sister-in-law has recently had success with Body Trim, I don't know, my focus at the moment is to move more and eat better.  Join me, lets be motivational for each other, share ideas and successes, and slip ups, they inevitably happen.

Have a great night all, I will be posting measurements tomorrow.